This site records a residency at the Albury Regional Art Gallery, as part of the Artists@Work Program held in January/February 2010.  Box People was a novel, a performance, a series of images, a game.  

**Readers beware!  Blogger publishes posts with the most recent entry at the top, so if this is your first visit please use the archive list to guide you through the chapters...that's if you want to read them in the order they appeared***

Saturday, January 8, 2011

second edition

Some months ago, my friend requested a Box Flower for her sideboard.  This was problematic for me, given that I had resolutely trashed the first manuscript and denied exhibition rights to one of Albury's major cultural institutions.  I knew just the excerpt for her - one about a journey back in time through Queensand. The Queenslander in exile is always going back.  I did an edit and a mock up, but still wasn't happy.  In October this year, I returned to Japan, put some ghosts to bed and re-connected with  people and place.  I got good, archive quality paper for Christmas, which was supposed to be for letter writing. It folds and holds well and is easy to print on.  My friend's flower is ready and I have notified her. I am waiting for a reply.  In the meantime, the rest of the mauscript is up for sale at $25.00 a flower, with excerpts customised to order, until the whole thing is "re-drafted". We shall see. We shall see.

yasmin lawsuit